CEE Lab has been Awarded Aggie Climate Action for Equity (ACE) Grants to Lead Innovations for Climate Change Solutions

CEE Lab has been Awarded Aggie Climate Action for Equity (ACE) Grants to Lead Innovations for Climate Change Solutions

Greenhouse crop production has attracted more people recently as a climate-smart solution for growing year-round. In this project, Assistant Professor Md Shamim Ahamed from the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering and the team will investigate the proof-of-concept for designing a novel climate-smart PV screen for greenhouse integration to replace conventional shade screens. The proposed project will analyze the synergies with climate-smart PV screens to reduce energy and water demand and maximize power conversion efficiency without impacting yield. The project aligns with California’s climate action priorities, like building a climate-resilient economy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions with green energy and climate-smart agricultural practices. The specific activities are to model the development and optimization of the proposed smart PV screen, design pilot testbeds, and investigate the power conversion efficiency (PCE) and the crop performance regarding their biotic and abiotic stress and resource usage.


Primary Category

Secondary Categories

Food & Agriculture