Projects and Research

Active Projects:

  1. Net-zero Greenhouse Crop Production with Retractable Solar Screens, Role: PI, USDA-NIFA-AFRI August 2024 - July 2027, Total: $603,216. 
  2. Cooling and Dehumidification for Indoor Farming, Role: PI, CalNext, July 2024-June 2026, Total: $330,000. 
  3. Luminescent Quantum Dot Greenhouse Glass for Improved Crop Yields, Role: Co-PI, USDA NIFA-SBIR. Total ($175,000), Dr. Ahamed ($53,344)
  4. Climate-smart Solar Screen for Net-zero Greenhouse Crop Production, Role: PI, Aggie Climate Action for Equity Initiative (ACE), June 2024 - April 2025, Total: $84,058
  5. Precision Water and Nutriment Management for Controlled Environment Agriculture. Role: PI, CDFA-WETA, November 2023-October 2026. Total: $392,898.
  6. Development of Novel Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem (WEFE) Mini-complex Based on a Standalone Renewable Energy Aquaponic Agriculture -Desalination System. Role: PI, US-Egypt Science and Technology Joint Grant, September 2023-June 2026, $400,000.
  7. Potential of Net-zero Concept for Increasing the Sustainability of Nursery and Floral Greenhouse Production. Role: PI, CDFA-CAPGP November 2023-October 2025. Total: $86,500.
  8.  Digital Twin for Precision Indoor Vertical Farming. Role: PI, KeySight Technologies, July 2023-June 2026. Total: $250,000.
  9. Climate-smart Solution with PV Integration for Nursery Greenhouses. Role: PI, Plant California Alliance, July 2023-June 2025, $50,000, Dr. Ahamed ($50,000).
  10. Net-zero Nusrurey Greenhouse Crop Production with Climate-Smart Solar Screen. Role: PI, Plant California Alliance, April 2024-March 2025, $84,058.
  11. Food-Energy-Water Nexus in Greenhouse Production with Photo-selective Photovoltaic Technology, Role: PI, Interdisciplinary Research Catalyst, UC Davis, Feb 2024-Jan 2025, $24,945.
  12. Controlled Environment Agriculture with Solar Illumination Using the Light Guide. Role: PI, Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society and the Banatao Institute (CITRIS), June 2022- May 2025. Total: $30,000.
  13. Energy Harvesting from Artificial Lighting in Vertical Farming Systems, Role: PI, Hellman Society Seed Awards, September 2023- August 2024. Total: $9,000. 

Past Project:

  1. Techno-economic Analysis of Ground Source Heat Pump System for Nursery Greenhouse in California.  Role: PI, Plant California Alliance. June 2022 - May 2023. Total: $13,500.  
  2. Solar Energy-based Trigeneration System for a Net-zero Energy Greenhouse. Role: PI, New Research Initiatives and Collaborative Interdisciplinary Research sponsored by UC Davis, July 2021 - September 2023. Total: $25,000.
  3. Potential of Health Risks of Lights on Workers in Controlled Environmental Agricultural Systems. PI: Md Shamim Ahamed. Western Center for Agricultural Health & Safety, University of California, Davis, January 2022 - September 2022. Total: $45,000.


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Research Interests

Thermal Environment Modeling in CEA:  GREENHEAT Model is a dynamic energy simulation tool for simulating the heating and cooling demand and indoor microclimate for greenhouses.  

Model Validation
Model Flow-Chart

Heating, Ventilation, Airconditioning, and Dehumidification (HVACD):  We work for optimization and investigate the innovative techniques for microclimate management (temperature, humidity) in CEA facilities, like indirect evaporative cooling, desiccant-based dehumidification, light harvesting, energy recovery. 


Net-zero Agricultural Buildings: We focus on investigating various pathways for the net-zero operation of CEA facilities like greenhouses and indoor farming systems, mainly the integration of renewable energy, energy optimization, and circular economy. 


Fault Detection and Diagnosis in HVAC Systems: A large number of sensors are integrated with modern CEA facilities for providing optimal microclimates and energy-efficient operation, but fault data from the sensors could cause serious effects in terms of plant growth and energy efficiency. About 20-30% of energy could be wasted because of faulty sensor operation. We work on fault detection and diagnosis of HVACD and lighting systems by integrating machine learning algorithms for the control systems. 

SAT Simulation

Precision Control and Monitoring for CEA:  CEE lab works on precision monitoring and control of HVACD, lighting, and nutrient systems.  We work on developing advanced techniques for ion-based nutrient monitoring and develop the digital twin model for analysis of the crop biotic and abiotic performance under different microclimates, efficient control systems, crop management, etc.   

Digital Twin