Past Projects

Food-Energy-Water Nexus in Greenhouse Production with Photo-selective Photovoltaic Technology, Role: PI, Interdisciplinary Research Catalyst, UC Davis, Feb 2024-Jan 2025, $24,945


Scholarly Outcomes: 

Techno-economic Analysis of Ground Source Heat Pump System for Nursery Greenhouse in California.  Role: PI, Plant California Alliance. June 2022 - May 2023. Total: $13,500.  

Summary: This project investigated the techno-economic feasibility of ground source heat pump (GSHP) and earth-to-air heat exchanger (EAHE) for combining heating, cooling, and dehumidification potential for nursery greenhouse in three different locations (San Diego, Sacramento, and Sonoma County) in California. 

Scholarly  Outcomes:

  1. Ahsan, T. A., Rahman, M. S., & Ahamed, M. S. (2025). Geothermal energy application for greenhouse microclimate management: A review. Geothermics, 127, 103209.

Solar Energy-based Trigeneration System for a Net-zero Energy Greenhouse. Role: PI, New Research Initiatives and Collaborative Interdisciplinary Research sponsored by UC Davis, July 2021 - September 2023. Total: $25,000.

Summary: Adopting the net-zero energy (NZE) concept for agricultural buildings would significantly minimize the global warming potential of energy-intensive controlled-environment agricultural production facilities like greenhouses. In this project, a novel combined cooling, heating, and power (CCHP) system consisting of emerging adsorption cooling and photovoltaic thermal (PVT) systems was investigated to achieve net-zero energy greenhouses (NZEGs) targets. 


  1. Ahsan, T. M. A., & Ahamed, M. S. (2022, August). Potential of solar-assisted adsorption cooling system for Mediterranean greenhouses. In XXXI International Horticultural Congress (IHC2022): International Symposium on Innovative Technologies and Production 1377 (pp. 165-172).

Potential of Health Risks of Lights on Workers in Controlled Environmental Agricultural Systems. PI: Md Shamim Ahamed. Western Center for Agricultural Health & Safety, University of California, Davis, January 2022 - September 2022. Total: $45,000.

Summary: Greenhouse (GH) indoor environments are usually manipulated to enhance plant growth and yield, but those environments might not be favorable for GH workers. The study investigated the health hazards of greenhouse workers from UV radiation exposure and analyzed the heat stress and thermal comfort in air-conditioned greenhouses. 


  1. Chowdhury, M., Ahsan, T. A., & Ahamed, M. S. (2023). Assessment of health hazards of greenhouse workers considering UV exposure and thermal comfort. Smart Agricultural Technology, 5, 100319.

Greenhouse Microenvironment Control for Hydroponic Leafy Greens in Hot and Humid Climates: Role: co-PI, Team Lead: Texas A and M University (Dr. Zahid), USDA-SCBGP (Planning Grant), September 2022-August 2023, Total: $50,000, Dr. Ahamed ($5,000).

CCRI: Planning-C: A Framework for Development of Robots and IoT for Precision Agriculture. Role: Collaborator, Team Lead: Dr. Jawed, University of California, Los Angeles, NSF Division of Computer and Systems Networks, August 2022-July 2024, Total: $116,000, Dr. Ahamed ($0)